He founded the Institute of Culture Salento

8 September hours 20:00 at Villa Excelsa

Presiding over the newly formed association ( no profit, nonpartisan, apolitical) l’avvocato Annalaura Giannelli, business consultant and writer. To settle the Governing, Apulian excellence names: Luciano Barbetta, Fashion entrepreneur and president of the Polytechnic of Made in Italy; Mauro Ragosta, known writer and economist Salento; antonio Soleti, editor and journalist; Valentino Tarsilla, Eclectic figure has always devoted to the culture and to the cross-border relations.
<<L’Ics – He explains the President Giannelli – It is proposed as a local service tool, with the aim to build a network of excellence and the resources of the great Salento area, too often not properly exploited and export them beyond regional and national borders for a positive impact in terms of growth and local development. We rely on teamwork with high cultural associations and service already operating in the area>>.
L&#8217;8 settembre verrà siglato il primo protocollo d&#8217;intesa con l&#8217;associazione “communicate ethics – Made in Murgia” and it will be officially established the first “Cultural Library Salento” ready to adopt texts and volumes all Salento to be made available to those who will want to find out the strength and vigor of literary writers and poets of our Earth.
Two honorary appointments: Aldo d&#8217;Antico noto studioso ed appassionato conoscitore del Salento e Mingo De Pasquale noto eclettico showman. During the evening, the weave of delivery for the first 40 associated, all professionals of excellence, serial entrepreneurs and artists of our magical Salento. finally, degustazione di prelibatezze salentine e musica di qualità con la voce divina jazzista Anna Abate Mattei.



  1. Best wishes,.
    As soon as possible, soon, we will gift of Authors Salentines de nostrol Catalog books “Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza” srl – Bari

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